Monday, December 20, 2010
December 20
"O you who are our infinite Creator, may we listen and heed, and then build and complete. Grant to us listening hearts and willing hands, that in the day of storm our rock-firm houses may stand, and honor the Master Builder. Amen."
Sunday, December 19, 2010
December 19
"Build us up, dear Lord, with and in your truth. May we spend more time with you in your living Word, studying its simplicity, memorizing its messages, and gaining its spirit. May we speak the truth always and never depart from it. And may we give it to others whenever we speak. For your name's sake. Amen."
Saturday, December 18, 2010
December 18
"O God of love, teach us to love you as we ought. Teach us to give up to others. May we understand your law of sacrifice and surrender. May we love each other by obeying your law of yeilding love, and may we learn to love by giving ourselves. Amen."
Friday, December 17, 2010
December 17
"Our loving and gracious Father, may we find and remain in the secret place of safety. May we be kept by your almighty power as we live in your presence. May we have the constant peace and confidence of those who know and trust you. For your name's sake. Amen."
Thursday, December 16, 2010
December 16
"Our heavenly Father, may we glory in the persecution which comes to those who seek the victory over wrong. Raise up men who will hurl defiance against those whose ill-gotten gains are destroying human life. Save the young womanhood of our day from becoming prey to avarice, and may we hear the song of victory, even if it come from a prison cell. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen."
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
December 15
"Dear Lord, we would rejoice constantly in you. We would gain that quiet, controlled character which knows your constant presence and receives your peace. May we learn with your servant of old to be content wherever placed by you, ever knowing the blessing of high and pure thoughts. Amen."
December 14
"O you who are our Father in heaven, fill us, we pray you, with a more controlling love for you. May we prize life's values, but not as we prize you and your works. May we attempt great things for you by a living faith in the power of the unattained in Christ. In his name. Amen."
December 13
"Our blessed Master, free us, we pray you, from the false estimates of the Christian life. May we not feel that we are bound to do right, but freed from doing wrong. May we glory in hard work, and in the victory of faith to conquer our own selves. For your name's sake. Amen."
December 12
"O Lord, our Master, life is a troubled sea with many who know they are perishing, but do now know your wonderful presence. May we, your followers, not only cry to you, but tell others that you are ready to dwell with everyone, that you are waiting to be asked to speak peace and quietness. Amen."
December 11
"Our gracious and loving Father, grant to us your constant peace, that we may not injure our lives and dispositions by worry. May we take you at your word, and trust you. May we care less for life's appearances and more for life's higher values, looking to you daily and hourly for strength of heart and courage. For Jesus' sake. Amen."
December 10
"Dear Master, may we strive to understand your purposes, following you so closely in the ordinary things of life that we never wait for the miraculous or extreme. May we bear bravely each lonely burden, trusting your unseen hand to help and direct. May the wave become a way because our eyes ever meet yours. Amen."
December 9
"Our dear Saviour, wehose readiness to help precedes our sense of danger, give us knowledge of your power to protect, that we may never fear the waves that break and roar. May we know that you are near, amid every difficulty, and that you will pilot us home in safety. Amen."
December 8
"Dear Father in heaven, teach us to realize how you have provided for your children, and to long for opportunities of showing your greatness to all men, our brothers, many of whom have been estranged from you by false gods. In the name of your dear Son, our Lord. Amen."
December 7
"Dear Christ, give to your followers appreciation of human needs. Make us less bitter in criticism, more gentle in sympath, and more generous with your invitations. Make us better servants, that we may follow our Master's example more truly, going about doing good and helping the heavily burdened. Amen."
December 6
"Dear Father, help us to remember that God is stronger than all the forces of evil, and that though the message of the gospel the right must win, no matter how long the battle. Give us the courage of Christ, together with his patience and forbearance. In his name. Amen."
December 5
"Eternal and most merciful God, we thank you that you are a God of justice as well as a God of love. We thank you that those who despise your law and waste and ruin your children shall suffer punishment. We thank you that vengeance is yours, that you will repay. Save us all from your wrath. In Christ's name. Amen."
December 4
"Dear Father, in heaven, save us, we pray you, from allowing selfishness and sin to gain any power over us. May we be so bear to you through the knowledge of your Word that ew may flee from teh merest suggestion of wrong. May one sin never seek to protect another, because we kill the first sin before it grow. By the Saviour's power. Amen."
December 3
"Dear Saviour, you who left the glory of your Father's mansions to open for us the gates of the kingdom, who did bid us to become heirs with you, grant us of your Spirit, that this wealth may make us better able to serve you. Amen."
December 2
"Dear Lord and Master, we thank you for your protecting care and your saving power. May the children profit by the example of those who have gone before. May no opposition of our enemies tempt us to compromise, but may we resist evil always more definitely. Amen."
December 1
"Our loving Lord and Master, may we see beyond the judgment to your mercy and loving-kindness. May life be filled with sweet rather than with bitter, with joy rather than with sorrow, because we trust your perfect plan and know that all things work together for good to them that love you. May we all have a victorious home in the great future you have provided for your own. Amen."
November 30
"Our blessed Lord, we praise you for your constant presence in our lives. May we know that you are close at hand when there is no evidence of you. May we trust and obey you even if we seem to destroy our hopes and your plan, knowing that you will speak when you are ready. Give us a trust like Abraham's. In the Saviour's name. Amen."
November 29
"Almighty God, our Father in heaven, may we be great in faith and hope. Grant to us, we pray you, the vision of the unseen, that we may not let the seen become a fence to hide from us your great beyond. May we know that your promises are sure and dependable. Trusting you, may our faith never flag. For Jesus' sake. Amen."
November 28
"May we know, our loving Father, that if we love you we must love one another in Christ. Give to us the confidence of each other, as we pray for and work with each other. In the Saviour's name. Amen."
November 27
"O loving God, forgive us for grieving you through all these years. Save us, we pray you, from the sins that sadden you and those who live near to you. May we put away every sin, and no longer bring grief to him who in Gethsemane broke his heart for the sins of the whole world. For his sake. Amen."
November 26
"Our Father in heaven, help us, we pray your, to put off the sins of inclination and habit. May our hearts be filled with pure thoughts and our days be filled with kind deeds. May sinful tendencies die within us. May we be kept from sin as we are kept for you. Amen."
November 25
"Our loving Father, we thank you that your are mindful of us in our weakness and helplessness, that you have placed your sign of loving covenant in the heavens, and that you show the beauty of your light when storms make dim life's sky. May we keep our part of the covenant. For Christ's sake. Amen."
November 24
"May we, our eternal God and Father, share your gifts with others. Send us out into life's highways and byways to find and lead to you the lonely and neglected. May we make salvation a living activity rather than a mere dying confidence. For your name's sake. Amen."
November 23
Dear Lord, we do love you, help us to show it. May we so speak forth our appreciation in the little things of everyday life, in the home, at school, everywhere we go, that our companions also may value you because of our honest expression of thanks. Amen."
November 22
"Hasten that day, O God, when the kingdoms of this world shall become yours; when the nations shall acknowledge you, and honor you with their men and means. May we believe your promise and fulfull our part in the covenant of the faithful. For Jesus' sake. Amen."
November 21
"Our gracious and loving Father, may we yield our wills so ocmpletely to you that self-will may become self-sacrifice. May we use our strength today to give a better chance to some one who is in trouble. May our friends realize that our friendship cannot be marred or injured by petty things. We ask in Jesus' name. Amen."
November 20
"Help us, our Father, to be true to you at all times, and to keep the covenant which we have made with you. May we remember that we have consecrated our lives to you, and may every one of us seek to do his full part in loyalty to the covenant which he has made with you. May we keep so near you tht we cannot break the covenant. In Christ's name. Amen."
November 19
"O Saviour, we thank you that you are our Priest and King; that you have given yourself to and for us that we might give ourselves to you. May we not only give you your rightful tenth, but all that we have beyond that, showing our love by our overflow of giving. Amen."
November 18
"We thank you, our heavenly Father, that the very sins of our hearts which you despise are capable of your loving forgiveness, if we truly repent. We thank you that you see in us a development which transforms wicked inclination into righteous purpose. Destroy, we pray you, the selfishness in us which tempts us to deceive. For Christ's sake. Amen."
Novermber 17
"O infinite and resourceful God, we praise you for all your saints who from their labors rest. We thank you for their faith, courage, and example. May we spend our lives in service like theirs, and may we never waver in hours of temptation. Give us their secret for victory, teach us to look unto Jesus for strength. For his sake. Amen."
November 16
"Our blessed Lord, may we ever press forward, forgetting the things which are behind. May we place no dependence on a godly heritage or on honored parentage but, grateful for past blessings, may we reach out to attain to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Amen."
November 15
"We thank you, our God and Father, that joyful victory results from the faith of those who trust you. May we ever look to you for wisdom. May we ever endure because we trust you, and may our lives each and every day reveal to others the great source of power in you and your dear Son, our Saviour. Amen."
November 14
"Blessed Lord and Master, incline our hearts to yield more readily to you and your divine teaching. May we learn to trust you more as we learn to love you more. May the victory of faith mean victory over our sins day by day. Amen."
November 13
"May we, our loving Father, walk with you from day to day. May we obey your commands, nothing doubting. May we follow every precept, believing that all is a part of your perfect plan. Let us enter the ark of safety today that we may be able to live these lives of ours rightly, unharmed by the storm without. For Jesus' sake. Amen."
November 12
"Almighty and everlasting God, we praise you that you have called us into being, and given to us the responsibility of serving. Help us to live the kind of life you planned for us. As you have made us the crown of your creation, may we live worthy lives, and bring honor to your great name. Amen."
November 11
"Most merciful and loving God, we pray you that we may realize the awfulness of sin. May every one of us flee from evil and from sin, knowing that the part of courage is to hasten from wickedness and sin. Save us today from yielding to the first temptation of wrong. May we stop before we begin to sin. For Christ's sake. Amen."
November 10
"Help us, our Father, to follow you wherever you lead us. May each one of us know that you have a plan for our lives. May we never be satisfied by doing our own will, but may we seek yours. May each one in this family circle today know what it is to have the joy of doing the will of God in life's simple, humble, daily duties. Amen."
November 9
"O you who are the God of our fathers, help us today to live above the temptations which come so naturally to all. Help us to be among those who overcome self and self-indulgence, that we may not sell our birthright. For Christ's sake. Amen."
November 8
"Our loving and ever-gracious Father, we thank you for illustrations of men who have been willing to deny themselves their own rights that they might show others that they were following you. Instead of developing the spirit of self-assertiveness, may we gain the peaceful spirit of quiet, diligent submission. For Jesus' sake. Amen."
November 7
"O God, wilt you help us as Christian parents ever to set the right example before our children. May we never be so zealous for their success in temporal things that we undervalue the training which gives them righteous character. In Christ's name. Amen."
November 6
"Our blessed Master, we pray that none of us may allow the evil inclinations and tendencies of our own hearts to get the better of us. May we overcome them by loving deeds and self-forgetfulness. If some one wrong us today, help us to return his evil deed by a kindness to him. Amen."
November 5
"Help us, our Father in heaven, to give to you regularly and systematically from that which you have given to us. May we give at least a tenth of our income to you, not because we desire a blessing, but because we wish to honor you. May the Church of Christ throughout the world learn the value of honoring you by its gifts. In Jesus' name. Amen."
November 4
"Ever-constant and faithful Father, we thank you that when we trust you your way becomes our way, and our way becomes yours. No matter how hard or long the journey, no matter how strange and unknown the work before us, may we understand that you are always planning our lives. For Christ's sake. Amen."
November 3
"Dear loving Father, we thank you that you have so freely and wonderfully forgiven us. Who of us is worthy of serving you or of following in your footsteps? Yet you have freely and fully forgiven us, and restored unto us the joy of the Lord. Help us to live for others, and to bear another's burden day by day. Amen."
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